Nyligen presenterades ny och viktig information i Worldfengur. Registrerade hästar har fått en symbol för passgenen, DMRT3. Blå symbol betyder att hästen är DNA-testad för passgenen. Grå symbol betyder förmodad genotyp byggd på information runt bedömning, föräldrar och släktingar men är ej 100% säkerställd.
Hitintills har 672 hästar DNA-testats för passgenen och har fått dessa blåa symboler. och ungefär 85.000 hästar har fått den gråa symbolen. Vidare skriver man att hästar som erhållit 7.0 eller mer för pass vid bedömning får en AA-symbol och att hästar som har CC-genotypen bör undvikas i avel då det kan ta lång tid att lära dessa hästar att tölta då ett lateralt rörelsemönster är onaturligt för dem. Man bör även ha i åtanke att om man korsar en CA-häst med en CC häst är det 25% chans att få en CC-häst. Läs mer om presentationen på engelska här:
The DMRT3 genotype of this horse has been verified with genotyping.
Genotypes in the DMRT3 gene have been shown to have a predominant effect on the gaiting ability of the Icelandic horse. There are three possible genotypes in the DMRT3 gene, they are: AA, CA and CC. Five-gaited horses have the AA genotype, but four-gaited horses are a mixture of AA, CA and CC horses. The genotype of some four-gaited horses can be predicted with 100% probability from information from relatives. Other four-gaited horses, used for breeding, should be tested, as the information can have large effect on selection decisions. However, it has been estimated that approximately 1 in 10 horses with a 100% probability of a certain genotype has an incorrect prediction, due to incorrect parentage information or insecurity in the prediction of genotypes of horses that are presented as four-gaiters. This proportion will likely decrease as more results from tested horses are incorporated into WorldFengur. Until then, it is recommended to also test these four-gaited or potentially fourgaited horses.
The AA genotype is a prerequisite for pacing ability and horses that have a score of 7.0 or higher for pace in a breeding field test are predicted to have the AA genotype. The AA genotype has a favorable effect on tölt capacity and results indicate that AA horses have more natural ability for tölt. The CA genotype has, on the other hand, been shown to have a favorable effect on the basic gaits: walk, trot and canter/gallop, with CA horses more often performing better beat and suspension in trot and gallop, than AA horses. CC horses present the smallest proportion of the Icelandic horse population and the production of CC horses should presumably be avoided by most breeders, as it can be a time-consuming process to teach them to tölt, as lateral movements are more unnatural to them than other horses.
The probability of the DMRT3 genotype of all horses registered in WorldFengur can be predicted with varying probability. This probability is shown in the “virtual mate selection” option. The predicted DMRT3 genotype is only presented here for horses that have 100% probability.
The DMRT3 genotype of this horse has been predicted, using information from own breeding field test assessment or breeding field test assessments of relatives (Note: approximately one out of ten horses with a 100% probability of a certain genotype has an incorrect prediction).
Genotypes in the DMRT3 gene have been shown to have a predominant effect on the gaiting ability of the Icelandic horse. There are three possible genotypes in the DMRT3 gene, they are: AA, CA and CC. Five-gaited horses have the AA genotype, but four-gaited horses are a mixture of AA, CA and CC horses. The genotype of some four-gaited horses can be predicted with 100% probability from information from relatives. Other four-gaited horses, used for breeding, should be tested, as the information can have large effect on selection decisions. However, it has been estimated that approximately 1 in 10 horses with a 100% probability of a certain genotype has an incorrect prediction, due to incorrect parentage information or insecurity in the prediction of genotypes of horses that are presented as four-gaiters. This proportion will likely decrease as more results from tested horses are incorporated into WorldFengur. Until then, it is recommended to also test these four-gaited or potentially fourgaited horses.
The AA genotype is a prerequisite for pacing ability and horses that have a score of 7.0 or higher for pace in a breeding field test are predicted to have the AA genotype. The AA genotype has a favorable effect on tölt capacity and results indicate that AA horses have more natural ability for tölt. The CA genotype has, on the other hand, been shown to have a favorable effect on the basic gaits: walk, trot and canter/gallop, with CA horses more often performing better beat and suspension in trot and gallop, than AA horses. CC horses present the smallest proportion of the Icelandic horse population and the production of CC horses should presumably be avoided by most breeders, as it can be a time-consuming process to teach them to tölt, as lateral movements are more unnatural to them than other horses.
The probability of the DMRT3 genotype of all horses registered in WorldFengur can be predicted with varying probability. This probability is shown in the “virtual mate selection” option. The predicted DMRT3 genotype is only presented here for horses that have 100% probability.
The DMRT3 genotype of this horse is unknown (cannot be predicted with 100% probability).
Genotypes in the DMRT3 gene have been shown to have a predominant effect on the gaiting ability of the Icelandic horse. There are three possible genotypes in the DMRT3 gene, they are: AA, CA and CC. Five-gaited horses have the AA genotype, but four-gaited horses are a mixture of AA, CA and CC horses. The genotype of some four-gaited horses can be predicted with 100% probability from information from relatives. Other four-gaited horses, used for breeding, should be tested, as the information can have large effect on selection decisions. However, it has been estimated that approximately 1 in 10 horses with a 100% probability of a certain genotype has an incorrect prediction, due to incorrect parentage information or insecurity in the prediction of genotypes of horses that are presented as four-gaiters. This proportion will likely decrease as more results from tested horses are incorporated into WorldFengur. Until then, it is recommended to also test these four-gaited or potentially fourgaited horses.
The AA genotype is a prerequisite for pacing ability and horses that have a score of 7.0 or higher for pace in a breeding field test are predicted to have the AA genotype. The AA genotype has a favorable effect on tölt capacity and results indicate that AA horses have more natural ability for tölt. The CA genotype has, on the other hand, been shown to have a favorable effect on the basic gaits: walk, trot and canter/gallop, with CA horses more often performing better beat and suspension in trot and gallop, than AA horses. CC horses present the smallest proportion of the Icelandic horse population and the production of CC horses should presumably be avoided by most breeders, as it can be a time-consuming process to teach them to tölt, as lateral movements are more unnatural to them than other horses.
The probability of the DMRT3 genotype of all horses registered in WorldFengur can be predicted with varying probability. This probability is shown in the “virtual mate selection” option. The predicted DMRT3 genotype is only presented here for horses that have 100% probability.
Källa: Þorvaldur Kristjánsson, RML/Worldfengur.com