Bless your soul, bless your heart
A tribute to Einar:
16th february was a horrible day as our dear friend Einar passed away from bone cancer. He would have been 53 years of age on the 17th February! 53 years! I’m sure we can all agree that is way to early. But Einar truly made a lasting impression on all the people he has met, helped, shared his wisdom with as well as told stories and joked with.
He was famous for his teaching skills, for remembering every detail about every equipage. Even people who only had one lesson 25 years ago remembers it as a life changing experience, that’s how much impact he has had in the equestrian teaching world. It did not matter if you were a beginner or a professional competition rider preparing for the WC! For him as long as you were willing to learn he would help you in any way he could with all his knowledge at your disposal.
He was famous for his riding skills which he showed us when training, showing and competing on some of the most famous Icelandic horses that we know of to date. And of course doing it with his fine sensitivity to the horse best interest.
He was famous for giving everybody 100% of his philosophy, ideas, knowledge, no matter if the topic was about horses or life in general. In essence he was always interested and devoted to making things better.
He was famous for his incredible humour, telling jokes and stories was probably one of the things he loved the most.
The last time I meet him in person two weeks before he passed we planned a vacation to Zürich, he wanted me to meet his friends there to create new contacts. He Probably saw my hesitation even though I tried to hide it the best I could. He said – “We will go! you, me and Svana! “ Then he paused and said. “…and if I’m not here you and Svana will go! when I’m gone you two do what every you like anyway!”.
Of course we will Einar but we will always think of you, how much you would like it or dislike it or at least have an opinion about what we are doing! And we will say your favourite words -Þetta kemur, Þetta redast!
And in the beginning we will cry but as time goes and darkness turns bright again we will smile and remember…
The teaching, training, philosophy, ideas, stories and jokes will live with us forever!
We are so many who will miss you dearly and cherish the time we had together.
Einar Øder a man to admire…Hvildu i friði.
Charlotta Gripenstam.