Volunteers are highly valuated at VM2015 for Icelandic Horses
No sport event can be held without involvement from active volunteers; neither can the VM2015 for Icelandic Horses, in Herning, Denmark, which will involve up to 500 volunteers from more countries from August 3.rd to 9.th.
All though a sport event as VM2015 for Icelandic Horses is a highly professional event and represented by professional equipages and commercialists, it’s still based on the shoulders of leisure riders and breeders.
They are the persons who have to make everything in Herning work as professional and smooth as possible using a part of their summer holiday in the name of the professionalism in Icelandic Horse riding and breeding.
An event as VM2015 is normally in a demand of up to 500 volunteers ahead, during and after the exciting, busy competition days, and fortunately, volunteers are signing up in numbers for the summer event in these weeks.
There are many different tasks to be taken care of when the competitions are on the move. Everything from assistance at the parking lot, at the entrance, over cleaning up toilets and surroundings, to security tasks in the stables and service tasks to judges, flag hoisting, presswork and feeding everybody in the cantina for volunteers.
VM2015 is a co-arrangement by the six Nordic Icelandic Horse Associations and volunteers from here and even more countries are signing up which makes the steering committee very grateful.
-The VM2015 in Herning will for sure be a living picture on the idea of FEIF, (The International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations) “bringing people together in their passion for the Icelandic horse”, says Bo Hansen, Manager at VM2015.
The homepage vm2015.com will guide you if you would like to join VM2015 as a visitor or a volunteer. Hope seeing you in Herning.
More Info’s:
Vibeke Rask Grøn, VM 2015 Press coordinator
Phone: +45 3137 2199
Email: presse@vm2015.com