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FEIF ställer in VM


I morse kom det tråkiga beskedet att årets VM ställs in helt och hållet. Så här skriver VM-ledningen:

Update on the World Championships for Icelandic Horses in Denmark 2021
Due to the general uncertainty caused by the ongoing COVID situation and the high probability that not all FEIF member countries will be able to participate, FEIF and the organizing committee have reached the conclusion that the World Championships 2021 cannot be held in the true meaning of a fair competition amongst the world’s best horses and riders. Concerns include health related conditions, and safety for all parties involved, equal accessibility for teams from all countries, and financial security for the organizers, participants and FEIF.
Therefore, and with a heavy heart, the Board of FEIF has taken the decision to cancel the World Championships 2021, and the VM2021 organizing team in Denmark has accepted the decision that ends the dream of a World Championship in Denmark in August 2021.
We know that this will come as an enormous disappointment, not only to the riders, volunteers, exhibitors etc. – but to the entire Icelandic horse community. Be assured that it is not a decision we have taken lightly but there are just too many uncertainties and risks associated with running the event.
We thank everyone for the great support over the past 1.5 years!
All tickets and payments for exhibition stands are refundable minus an administrative cost. Information on the return of payments will be published very soon. Spectators and exhibitors will receive an e-mail within the coming weeks.
Keep updated on
Take care of yourself, and each other!
With best regards

The Board of FEIF and the Organizing Committee VM 2021

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