Amazing pictures from the award ceremony of the breedinghorses
Glódis vom Kronshof. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenAgneta and Henrik Wingstrand with their own breeding, Hera från Backome. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen.Buna frá Skrúd from Iceland received the silver medal in the group of 5 year old mares. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson.Hnit frá Koltusey. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenBronze medal to the very beautiful Victoria från Solbacken. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenGarpur fra Højgarden in slow tölt. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenGlaður från Sundbakka in the lead, followed by Finnur frá Ármóti. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenThe winner of the 6 year old stalliongroup: Mjölnir vom Lipperthof. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenSonur fra Dalur. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenVals fra Fagerholt from Norway is sired by Bikar frá Hólum. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenHervör frá Hámarsey – the winner of 6 year old mares! Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenMirjam Horn is the groom of Maistjarna från Knutshyttan who received a bronze medal. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenTerna fra Kleiva with the happy breeders Bernt and Gabriellr Severinsen. Terna won the group for 5 year old mares. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenHera från Backome shows off her amazing trot. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenSkinfaxi fra Lyshol. Photo: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenHrodur från Gröna Gången. Foto: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenGarni frá Torfunesi – the winner of 5 year old stallions. Foto: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/TöltarenThóralfur frá Prestsbæ with his very happy breeders Inga and Ingar Jensen. Foto: Sofie Lahtinen Carlsson/Töltaren