Nytillsatt nordisk VM-kommitté





Dear Nordic Icelandic Horse friends,


2015 will surely be a year, we will all look back on with many exciting memories, and the highlight for many will be the World Championships for Icelandic horses.
WC2015 is the result of collaboration between the Nordic countries and FEIF. It is not only a Danish, but also a Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Faroe Islands and Icelandic arrangement and joint project. This close cooperation is formalized between the Nordic countries in the “Nordisk Islandsheste Forbund” – NIF. NIF has appointed a steering committee with one representative from each country. The Steering Committee works closely with the Organizing Committee of VM2015, and liaises with the Nordic countries’ boards of Directors.

The steering committee consists of:

Even Hedland – Norway – President of NIF steering committee

Timo Rajasaari – Sweden

Susie Mielby – Denmark

Sirpa Brumpton – Finland

Andrea Þorvaldsdóttir – Island

Bo Hansen – Denmark – President of the WC- Organizing Committee.


The planning of the WC2015 is now entering the final phase, and we have enjoyed the fine cooperation between NIF and the Organizing Committee. Everything has proceeded as planned and all persons involved have done a great job on all the different areas of responsibility.

As a World Championship is a very big event, and as we strive to make it the BEST World Championship ever, there will be a need for many volunteers – from ALL the Nordic countries. Already there are many who wish to participate as volunteers, but we should wish that there were more volunteers from especially Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland. It is important for everyone to feel an ownership of this amazing Nordic event. You can still sign up as a volunteer – and get an experience of a lifetime.

You can follow and get much more information on www.VM2015.com

We look forward to meeting you in Herning in Denmark August 3-9th  2015 to the best World Championship ever , and we – the Nordic countries – jointly welcomes riders and spectators from around the world – where we brings Icelandic horse friends together on the common passion we have for the Icelandic horse. It will be fantastic!

On behalf of the presidents in all Nordic countries and the steering committee of NIF

On behalf of the presidents in all Nordic countries and the steering committee of NIF

Mie Trolle      
President of the Danish Icelandic Horse Association

Even Hedland
President of NIF Steering Committee


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